Can you
believe it’s only 24 hours until Christmas?! So excited! So before i’m off to
Salzburg where i will celebrate with my family i’m pretty sure you can all
appreciate one last giveaway for this year!
week i got the chance to stroll through the Peek & Cloppenburg shop in
vienna’s kärntnerstraße located in the first disctrict. I was invited to find
my very own christmas outfit. I was actually looking for something that i would
call „typical me“ which always involves at least one black piece. Little did i
know that on this specific day i was ready to think outside of the box and choose
something that’s placed out of my comfort zone – light colors! I ended up with
this amazing sleeveless knit sweater and combined it with camel colored pants. To
add a little bit more glamour i opted for a clutch that picked up the colors of
this ensemble perfectly. And
guess what, you (austrian particiapants only) have the chance to win this
outfit worth € 700 on facebook by following this link and leaving a comment
down below! Good Luck & Merry Christmas!